Saturday, 10 October 2009

to be a Mom

Anax junius  Green Darner Dragon-fly

Here again is an example of Nature in Harmony in a Urban Garden. The Balance is self sustained for most part. Dragon-flies are perfect in the yard as they eat large amounts of mosquitoes. Because there are no insecticides here the Dragon-fly can survive to reproduce to have more mosquito eating creatures around. In the water there are fish that eat Mosquito larva as well. so do the Dragon-fly larva. However the fish eat Dragon -fly Larva also.


  1. sonny, i am so glad that you don't use insecticides..
    that poisons and kills so many useful insects and birds.
    i really do think that in welland, it has been banned and so it should be!
    love terry

  2. In all of Ontario now with few exceptions it has been.
