Sunday, 18 October 2009

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Sylvilagus floridanus:, Eastern Cotton-tail rabbit

Okay first thing I will admit to is that these guys are cute. HOWEVER they belong in a stew!!!!!. I made a mistake once when my best friend's wife was over for a visit with a friend of her's and a Cotton-tail Rabbit showed up. They went all googly eyed over it and were so happy to see it. I saw something different. I saw a Monster that devoured hundreds of dollars of annuals in short order. My comments on what I wanted to do with it was not in keeping with these lovely ladies. I should have known better!!!!! I do not hate these guys I just rather like them in some other garden. or served with fresh Vegetables that it did not get to. They can be very destructive and they are smart. All said, I love the book " Watership Down", by  Richard Adams and I kind of see them from that perspective.

I have never figured out a sure fire way to keep them out of the garden , so I am of very little use to give an idea on it......


  1. aw sonny sikora...that is ONE sure way of getting me out of the woods...a statement like this, "they belong in a stew!"
    bad bad boy that you are thinking that your old baby-sitter would let you get away with that one!
    there must be a way of keeping those cuties out of the garden and besides...even with all of their shenanigans, you sure do have a beauty of a garden STILL!
    i have had a really bad last few days with a virus and bad cold and i am dead tired but you have brought a little bit of spark of life out of me with this terry

  2. I thought my comment might get you mobile, I had a good laugh writing it !!!!!!

  3. To all the people that don't think that the rabbits belong in a stew, read the Amish cookbook. They tell the same story. That cute little garden bunny thats eating all your beautiful new trees, put in a stew pot! lol

  4. yep and terry is going to get you !!!!!!!!!!

  5. Terry....come on over for some good old fashion Dunnville bunny rabbit stew, served up with fresh t-biscuits and dumplings. Yummy. lol

  6. Yes it was fattened up on Lilies, Roses, hydrangeas, Bee Balm, Hostas, Annuals to many to list, and so on. Very tender, it never needed to run away!!!!!!!!!

  7. marg are a bad girl and if sonny has any sense at all, he had just better keep you away from his pond!
    you are the perfect candidate for catching his frogs. cutting off their legs and gobbling THEM up too along with the bugs bunny stew..
    for shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love terry
