Sunday, 11 October 2009

a moment to ponder, I think

Hemerocallis: Day Lily

This Bronze stands about 1.5 meters high and the  Hemerocallis, Day Lilies are surpassing it in height. Like some other plants that love water, don't plant these in standing water, they will rot. So this was the year for them. If you notice in the back ground I do not always put my tools away!!!!! You just got to love that.
This fixture as well as the other Crane were shiny Bronze when I bought them and now after many years they have started to put on a wonderful green patina.


  1. dear sonny...if you ever DO decide to put away any of your not, i reapeat "do not"
    ever, ever put away your best tool...your camera! terry

  2. Thanx ever so much, Love yea
