Saturday, 7 November 2009

A More Formal Part of the Garden

This is a small memorial garden with in the main garden. For perspective that large fountain /planter is 2 meters high. I am showing this so people can understand that my gardens are not all on the wild side. I actually really like the formal setting as well. It is at the end of the long main walkway threw the gardens. What makes that a great place to put this is that the stroller going threw the garden can see a destination. It actually helps to draw the person to see the whole of a large garden.  If it works too well as this one does people go straight to it and miss the biggest parts of the gardens.

This was a hot day. What I do sometimes if it is a day off, I allow the water to go on the pavers a bit. This is wonderful for butter-flies and small birds.


  1. sonny.. i think that this is my favourite part of the terry

  2. It is my favourite part as well
